Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Importance Of Information ( IMD 101)

1. Knowledge and information become the principal generators of wealth in the forms of educational institutions, of research and development establishments, and science laboratories.

1. Pengetahuan dan maklumat menjadi medan kekuasaan dalam institusi pendidikan, penyelidikan dan pembangunan, dan makmal-makmal sains.

2. Information becomes a resource by analogy with the classic resources of labor, capital and materials. Also known as 'management of information'

2. Maklumat menjadi satu sumber secara analogi dengan sumber-sumber lama bagi bidang kerja, permodalan dan bahan-bahan. Turut dikenali sebagai 'pengurusan maklumat '

3. Will increased or decreased the information gap between people in society.

3. Boleh bertambah atau mengurangkan jurang maklumat antara semua orang dalam masyarakat.

4. "Information is Power". There will be new power elite whose property is "in their heads". Who knows what become more important than who has what.

5. Vital necessary for administration, planning and decision making.

6. Current awareness

7. Stimulates ideas, opinions, etc.

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